Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oak Milk Factory trucks

These are great photos, I just love them. They were in the Hunter Valley Classic Commercial Vehicle Club (HVCCVC) newsletter from April/May 2012, and Andy Blacklock sent them to me.   The HVCCVC are holding their Truck Muster on March 9 and 10, 2013 at the Maitland Showgrounds. We went to the last one and it was so much fun and we will be back for the next one. Click here if you want to see our photos from the last Muster.

I believe these trucks are AECs, and they are outside the very grand Hunter Valley Co-operative Dairy Company factory at Hexham. Below is a great aerial photo of the factory, taken in 1953, showing the factory on the Hunter River. the photo is  from 

This is a Chevrolet.


This was taken outside the Morpeth factory - there's 2 AECs, a Chev and thanks to Andy Wright for pointing out that the last truck is an A-model Bedford. 

 A mobile milk bar

These five photographs, above and below,  are from the February 1955 Maitland flood, a very tragic event that caused loss of life and over 5,000 homes to be flooded, some submerged in metres of water. 

A Chevrolet and an Albion, above and below.


  1. Hi Heather
    That last truck in the row of four is a Bedford A-type.
    Good onya with the blog. Hope to see you at Dubbo.
    Andy Wright

    1. When are they coming to Dubbo.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. All images are so rare and fantastic. great post. thanks for share.

  4. Does anyone here knows when it closed.
