I don't speak Swedish, but I have run the heading En palitlig och rationellt byggd lastbil som trivs med tunga laster through Google translator and it comes up with A reliable and efficient built truck that thrives with heavy loads.
Google translator translates Varje forare har sina krav pa arbets-miljon, de flesta uppfylls i en Volvo as Each driver has its requirements on labor-one million, most of them met in a Volvo. Obviously not a smooth translation, but you get the picture.
I have put the heading Ett klokt lastbilsval lagger grunden till god transportekonomi through Google translator and it translates as A wise choice truck lays the foundations of good transport economy.
Finally you don't need to speak Swedish to know that this is telling you that Volvos look as good from underneath as they do on the road. Actually the heading in Swedish is Den val avpassade drivlinan hojer effektiviteten och sanker kostnaderna and translates as the choice cut powertrain increasing efficiency and reducing costs.