Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oak Milk Factory trucks

These are great photos, I just love them. They were in the Hunter Valley Classic Commercial Vehicle Club (HVCCVC) newsletter from April/May 2012, and Andy Blacklock sent them to me.   The HVCCVC are holding their Truck Muster on March 9 and 10, 2013 at the Maitland Showgrounds. We went to the last one and it was so much fun and we will be back for the next one. Click here if you want to see our photos from the last Muster.

I believe these trucks are AECs, and they are outside the very grand Hunter Valley Co-operative Dairy Company factory at Hexham. Below is a great aerial photo of the factory, taken in 1953, showing the factory on the Hunter River. the photo is  from 

This is a Chevrolet.


This was taken outside the Morpeth factory - there's 2 AECs, a Chev and thanks to Andy Wright for pointing out that the last truck is an A-model Bedford. 

 A mobile milk bar

These five photographs, above and below,  are from the February 1955 Maitland flood, a very tragic event that caused loss of life and over 5,000 homes to be flooded, some submerged in metres of water. 

A Chevrolet and an Albion, above and below.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sydney Classic and Antique Truck Show 2012 - 1

John took the Land Rover up to Penrith to see the Sydney Classic and Antique Truck Show, which was held on Sunday June 17, at the Museum of Fire. Left Cora Lynn on the Saturday, first stop Holbrook for an ice cream and coke, then stayed the night at Mittagong. Saw the show, then on the Sunday afternoon he did his own version of 'Hauling the Hume' and went through Camden, Razorback, Picton, Mittagong, Cullerain Ranges and back on the freeway at Gunning as it was getting dark, then home at 1.00am Monday morning. 2037 kms all up, needless to say I wasn't with him as I would have needed a lot more stops than that. Anyway, it was a great day on the Sunday, weather wise and John saw lots of new trucks he hadn't seen before and had  a great time. This post has the trucks from AEC to Graham Brothers and the next post, has all the trucks from International to White. Sad to report, but not one Volvo there. 


An Atkinson and a Benz.

Four very neat Austins, one above and three below.

Four Bedfords, one above, and three below.

Two Mercedes Benz trucks, flying the flag for the Europeans. The one above is owned by Ian Bartholomew of the Hunter Valley Club.

This is a Chev, above, and seven others of various models are below.

How great is this display? Bullen Brothers Circus. No, it isn't  a real giraffe, but what a great show.

This is also a Chev.

Two Commers, the one below owned by Bruce Gunter

Diamond T - and because we like it, you can see it twice.

Four Dodges,various makes and models.

This is a Faun.  Faun is an acronym for Fahrzeugfabriken Ansbach und Nurnberg and they have made trucks since 1918. As you may guess from the name, they are German. Joe Hupp, my regular correspondent, tells me that The Faun you have photographed here is a Elefant - used by the Army in Germany as a tank-transport truck. This one is used as a heavy haulage support truck by Rex J. Andrews Specialised Transport. Thank you for the information.

This is a Foden, a S50 - owned by C & S Robinson of Cranebrook. Thanks again, Joe.

Fords, one above and seven below

This is a Graham Brothers

To see the Internationals to Whites that were on display at the Sydney Classic and Antique Truck show, 2012, click here.